Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Here I am on the boat heading down river between Mexico and Guatemala.
The day started with a 5 am wake up in Mexico and a 4 hour van ride to the river.
This 20 minute boat ride took me to the primitive boarder crossing into Guatemala.
Then I boarded the Guatemalan van from hell which bounced for a few hours over a rough gravel road.
On the van were 3 other travelers, 2 Philipinos and a German guy.
When we stopped in Flores to change some money the van stalled. 
Then we were forced to push the van down the road as the driver attempted to to jump start the deathtrap.
After much pushing and sweating the van was declared dead.
 After a few calls a car appeared and took us to our hotel.
The locals looked at it as a typical day here in Guatemala.

My fish dinner the other nite.
Gallo beer is one of the better beers I have had in my travels.

Compared to Mexico, Guatemala is a simple and slow life.
The natural beauty is everywhere.

Check back soon as I will add a post from my visit to Tikal.
This Mayan site is considered one of the best. 

1 comment:

  1. Pete- great photos. Keep them coming. I am in New Orleans working till June. Having a blast! See you back in LALA
    Bobby G
